Holidays are a perfect treat you reward yourself with; they take away the life’s stress and bring relaxation and calm. When you come back from holidays, you are proudly sporting a golden glow and want it last long. But, how do you maintain your tan and keep your skin glowing?

By following these below mentioned tips, you will be able to keep your holiday tan for longer-

Prepare And Maintain The key to keeping your tan lasting longer starts even before you get one. “Using a daily exfoliating body wash two weeks prior to your holiday, and on every day on your trip will prepare your skin for prolonged sun exposure and ensure a deeper, more even tan,” says skincare expert Bianca Blum. Consider exfoliating your skin at least one week prior as it will slough off old skin cells so that the sun can shine on new cells at the beginning of their life cycle.   

Tan Safe– When you are out just for a week, you tempt to rush a tan by laying on a sun lounger until you look like old parchment. Skincare expert Millward says “our skin is very intelligent, if it has been burnt it will start to repair the damage by creating new cells as fast as possible and shedding the damaged ones before they can turn cancerous. This is when the skin peels and you actually lose your tan faster.” So, it is advised to use a broad spectrum um SPF that protects your skin against both UVA and UVB rays.

Avoid Hot Shower– We all love hot showers and consider it a perfect way to wake up after a good night’s sleep. But, hot showers are bad for your tan. They can damage the skin’s natural barrier function and strips the body of all the oils that help lock-in your holiday glow.  “Hot showers contribute to skin dryness, which is a tan’s worst nightmare because it can bring about peeling,” says skincare expert Emma Leslie. “Keep showers cool, and use products that focus on moisturising.”

Moisturise– The most important step in keeping your tan lasting longer is to slick it with moisturiser.  “Skin needs to be moisturised daily regardless of sun exposure, but if you have been out in the sun you may find that your skin has become sensitive, dryer and more dehydrated,” says Sally Penford, a skincare expert.

Integrate these tips in your skincare regimen to sustain your tan and lock-in that holiday-glow for long.