The amount of dating advice out there for men is literally never-ending. But women aren’t looking for the supermodel with a Colgate smile, or 12-packs because a 6-pack just ain’t enough… they are looking at how you present yourself! All those abs won’t mean diddly-squat if you look unapproachable. Grooming is an important aspect of your presentation. Being the best-groomed man in the room can reel in profound benefits for your dating life:


1. Turn More Heads: Grooming has a direct impact on your aesthetic, which is a part of your overall presentation. Choosing the right hairstyle for your face and maintaining that beard will not only render you more attractive, but it can also elevate your confidence. Heads will turn and compliments will fly, and you may just find your interactions seem to flow a little smoother.

2. Develop Your Self-Love: Now, we’re not being sappy here – but everybody knows that you cannot expect somebody else to love you unconditionally if you can barely look in the mirror yourself. Grooming is an incredible way to develop self-acceptance and self-appreciation, as you make time to spend solo and just take a moment to breathe in the fresh air. Making grooming a weekly or even daily ritual can completely overhaul your attitude, and definitely make you a hit with the ladies.

3. Increase Your Empathy: Men cop a lot of flack for a lack of empathy, but did you know that grooming can actually make you more empathetic? According to the psychological law of commitment and consistency, investing more time and attention in yourself (exactly like when you spend time grooming) will mean that you will begin to attach more importance to yourself. As opposed to developing arrogance, this self-commitment actually makes us more empathetic and confident. Oh, and by the way, these two personality traits are high-hitters on the top characteristics women prefer in their partner.

4. Improve How You are Perceived: If you have ever have much experience with dating advice columns, you might have heard of something called “pre-selection”. Basically, pre-selection states that some women unconsciously feel a powerful wave of attraction for you if they know other women are attracted to you. But according to love experts, there is an even more powerful attraction trigger called “status”. Looking after your appearance signals that you are a sophisticated man with great resources and access to special knowledge (albeit it may be how many VBs you can chug before you pass out – still special in our eyes, mate).

5. Increase Your Self-Confidence: The more consistently you groom yourself, the better you will look. This will automatically boost your confidence, and it will come across on every date you ever go on. You might even find your dating life skyrocketing from this very simple fact! You will also get compliments from friends, family and coworkers, not just for how you look, but how you behave as a confident man.

Grooming is one of the easiest ways to increase your attractiveness, and turn yourself into a powerful, confident, and in-control man. Looking after yourself will not just boost your love life, but will inevitably change your own!