The days of facial hair solely being reserved for loggers and other manly jobs are a thing of past. Beards have entered into the world of working men, adding style and machismo to their personality. However, while some people are able to grow a full, respectable beard early on in their growing years, others fight with a patchy growth for the whole of their lives. Yet that doesn’t mean men should allow their facial hair grow without any definition or finesse.
Beards are popular for many reasons; they offer a stylish surface for stroking when pondering over something. They block the sun from burning your face and also hide neck flab. But while facial hair may be a result of natural processes, they won’t take a healthy shape without a little help.
Trimming, combing, fading, shaping, cleaning, and conditioning are an integral part of good grooming of beard, which change depending on the required style, the quality of facial hair, texture and growth you have on your face. There is no sure shot single way to grow a beard. The practices guys follow in order to grow, maintain, and care for the most popular styles of facial hair vary across people and their sense of style as well as requirements. Let us look at some common types of beard styles that look good on almost every face.

Natural neck with trimmed cheeks
The natural neck line balances a beard well, keeping it from looking too primped. On top, the trimmed cheek hairs render angles and shape to the beard and face. The trick with this look is to follow the bottom of the cheek bone, mowing off anything above and keeping what’s below. Giving yourself a once-a-week trim is a general guideline to maintain this beard but it changes depending on rate of growth.

Goatees have been on the comeback trail over the past few years as an alternative to sporting a full beard. This type of beard comes out best when it is carved after at least a week of cultivating the regular beard growth.

Rugged Beard
A rugged beard should look natural. The style is developed by keeping both the cheek and neck line faded rather than simply trimming across the beard.

Shadowy Beard
A shadow style of beard should be trimmed regularly using the lowest settings on your beard trimmer. With this beard, hair can be made to remain soft and comfortable by using a bit of hair conditioner on the hair while in the shower.

Whichever style you try to pull off with your facial hair, remember that unless kept clean, well-trimmed and well-washed, beards will never give the attractive and fresh look to a face.