We use our hands for many things – shake hands to say a hello, or hold your better half’s hand. So, it’s best if they are not dirty, dry or peeling. Here’s a step by step guide on how to take care of your hands:    

Clip And File Those claws should be left to the cats. Consider clipping and filing your nails at least once a week, and ensure to do it right. “Nails should always be clipped straight across and then filed into a round or square shape” says a grooming expert. Also, when trimming, be careful not to take the nail length too short. The best time to cut nails is after a shower, because the hot water softens the keratin – making trimming easier.

Use A Buffer You would have always wondered about that long thing your girlfriend or sister likes rubbing on her nails. But, to your surprise, it actually serves a purpose! You must have observed that when you cut your nails, you leave sharp edges.  So, experts suggest you to use a buffer to smooth out those bumps and it will also add a healthy shine.

Cuticle Care Is Important It’s not just the nail itself that needs attention, your cuticles (fleshy bits where nail meets finger) also need to be looked after. While many of you might be tempted to cut them, you can, but you’ll enjoy some great infections. Instead, we recommend you to massage a drop of oil into the nail bed, then push the cuticle back where it belongs. 

Moisture Daily Your rough and dry hands may be a sign of manliness and gym dedication, but that dry skin isn’t appealing at all. So, moisturise your hands daily (we recommend twice a day). First, soak your hands in warm water for 15-20 minutes to soften the skin, then gently rub with a pumice stone. Now, apply a moisturising cream – it will keep them healthy and subtle.

Manicure Is Real Help If you feel that you are too busy to keep up with the steps mentioned above, a manicure treatment is perfect for you. So, find a trusted professional salon and get a good manicure. Don’t worry, male manicure is not about nail polish and all. It is expert soaking, buffing and moisturising to the point that your hands become touchable.
Women notice beautiful hands, don’t let your first handshake make a negative impression. Integrate these tips in your grooming regimen and add the healthy shine to your hands that you deserve.