‘Grooming’ is often perceived as something a woman does. But, grooming is equally important for men, too. If-not, even more important.


With thousands of creams, shaving tools, tips and tricks, colognes to choose from… It gets difficult to understand where to start? Whether it’s bad breath, body odour or frizzy hair, poor grooming should not put a damper on your confidence and skills.


When you look good, you attract people- they feel pleased to connect with you.



“There are more options for men today than there ever have been”, says San Diego-based dermatologist Jeffery Benabio MD.Plus.


Your skin gets drier with age. This is the major reason why all those wrinkles that you didn’t have before suddenly show up. But, there’s a product that can help. Maybe you are already using it, if not- start today.


“Everybody should start using sunscreen”, says David E. Bank, MD, a dermatologist in Mount Kisco. N.Y.


Nicks and cuts is something that most men worry about. A good shaving cream can help you banish skin irritation. Invest in a good quality moisturising shaving cream and let it sit on the skin for a few minutes before picking up the razor. It will help you get a smooth shave without any kind of red bumps or irritated skin.


Also, use short strokes with a clean, sharp blade to avoid razor burns.


Another grooming issue that men face is bad breath. Brushing your teeth in the morning is just not enough. Flossing twice a day is important. Also, some chewing gum can be helpful as an addition to brushing and flossing.


Watch your diet as it is an important factor in maintaining healthy hair and can help you control dandruff. Don’t use styling products excessively. Avoid washing your hair every day. Also, test around for the right shampoo and conditioner for you.


If you are prone to breakouts, it is important that you wash your face twice a day. Use a gentle cleanser, specifically one that has been formulated for oily or acne-prone skin. Also, remember over-washing or scrubbing your skin too hard can dry out and irritate the skin, thus making acne worse.