There seems to be this widespread misbelief that men do not give any attention to their self-hygiene, but the truth is that they do and should! One of the most important things to take care of for healthy hair, is actually your diet! Yes, a bad diet will most definitely have an adverse impact on your hair because hair cells are the fastest growing in your entire body, needing nutrients like iron and protein for growth. An imbalanced diet will lead to nutritional deficiencies and cause hair problems. Other than just your diet, there are a whole range of things men should consider in taking care of their hair, and here a just a few:
A Balanced Diet
Some nutrients are very important for the growth of your hair. These include iron found in leafy greens, and proteins found in meat, eggs, beans and nuts. Additionally, the omega 3 fatty acids found in salmon and avocados will also improve the growth of your hair and keep it looking luscious and feeling healthy.
Use of Gel
Styling your hair with gel keeps it looking fresh and perfectly groomed throughout the day. However, be sure to wash it out each night and not to use it too excessively to prevent any damage to your hair. If you use gel often, choose an alcohol-free option to avoid causing dryness or damage.
Comb your hair after Applying Product
After you apply hair products, make sure you brush or comb your hair to help distribute the product evenly. It is best to comb your hair in the same direction as it grows. If you have curly hair, you should use a wide-toothed comb to avoid too many tangles.
Massage your Scalp
Massaging your scalp improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. This helps you to keep your hair healthy and improve its growth. You may want to focus more on areas where you are experiencing hair thinning and massage with a circular motion of your fingers.
Trim your hair Regularly
Get into a routine of regularly trimming your hair, once a month or even once every 3 months, depending on what suits you. Once you find it, stick to that routine to keep your hair looking its best!
Do not Blow dry your Hair too Often
Though blow drying might be the fastest way to dry your hair, it is not recommended as a regular solution. It damages your hair and leads to unwanted thinning. Let your hair dry naturally instead of relying on potentially damaging methods.
Keeping your hair healthy and protected is an absolutely essential task when there are so many damaging chemicals around. Follow these very simple tips to take care of your body and revel in the benefits in the long-term.