Straight razors almost followed the cycle of the crank engine and ringer-washing machine, but they’re making a big comeback. Shaving with this lethal weapon definitely has an alpha-male appeal that has driven up sales of straight razors.

In this space-age era of five-bladed shaving mechanisms, men are increasingly gambling with different techniques to rediscover the pleasures of an old-school shave. And so, straight razors are once again appearing on scene. It has once again begun appealing to the masses. The razor is so sharp that it slices off the beard without pulling at the skin and hairs, as a multi-blade disposable often does. With a disposable, however, you often have to go over one area multiple times so as to release the beard completely. Often, pulling repeatedly causes redness, irritation, ingrown hairs and acne. On the other hand, a well-sharpened straight razor, if properly used, leaves skin glowing but not reddened.

As it is difficult to devote time to maintaining the blade, so some men prefer disposable-blade straight razors. Many blades need to be honed with half a dozen strokes every couple of months, but the frequency can vary widely depending on the blade, stone and beard. Many people suggest that all of that actually depends on your blade and whiskers. Yet, it is better to avoid honing too often, and not to use pressure while honing or stropping.

While the results you get from the straight razor are appealing, the method may be risky if not followed carefully. General tips that may help you shave safely must be followed. It is often suggested that you must shave after having a shower. If not, soften your whiskers with a hot, wet towel for a minute or two before starting off the shave. Always apply a good shaving cream that moisturizes your skin deeply. While using the blade, angle it 30 degrees away from your face. Remember to never slice it across your skin and avoid using pressure while using it. After you’re done, make sure to dry off the blade with a few strokes on the leather or stropping it gently a few times on a towel. Use cold water to rinse your face and apply a gentle after-shave suitable for your skin.

The process of shaving with straight razors is indeed time consuming but it is worth the time spent. Straight razors have forced users to slow down, relax, get in touch with their face and enjoy some me-time, since even with practice, it takes about 10 minutes to shave your face.